Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Deep Fried Locust

Fried Locust

We took the scooter out Sunday evening and walked up and down Lamai market taking in all the sights, sounds and smells.  Most of the food on offer we didn’t even recognize, except for what looked like, no not looked like – was – fried locust!  Along side it were deep fried lavae and other such delicacies.  We didn’t try them!  There were all manner of stalls selling all manner of things – mostly seafood and shellfish.  Whilst it all smelt delicious, we were not adventurous enough to try anything. We opted for dinner at Mr Powns restaurant on the main drag in Lamai Beach and we did eat Thai and weren’t disappointed. 

When we went back to collect the scooter we passed over a bridge and when we looked down into the river that feeds the sea, we saw two 6 foot or more monitor lizards swimming about on the shore line – Note to self: Don’t swim in that bit!

I was still in a bit of discomfort with my back and apparently back ache is best served by a traditional Thai massage so between dinner and Tescos (I know, just doesn’t sound right does it), we decided to go for a massage.  Absolute bliss until the very last minute where they bend you forward and press down with all their bodyweight on top of your shoulders – jesus, I thought I was going to pass out with the pain.  Never mind, was my thought, no pain – no gain - and all that – wrong!!!!!  Not been right since.  If you shook me, I’d rattle from the amount of painkillers I’m taking.  Poor Dan is playing a very good nurse maid but being someone who doesn’t do illness, he’s finding it challenging shall we say!

By the time we had finished dinner, had the massage and visited Tescos for supplies, it was dark – this would be the first time, we had driven any distance on the scooter at night!  Not anywhere as much fun as during the hot, sunny climes of the daylight especially as where we are living is a bit out in the sticks and the street lighting disappears to nowt as we get nearer home!  The only thing we have found so far that is not amazing about Thailand are the bloody stray dogs and whilst during the day they appear to sleep innocently along the roadside minding their own beeswax – bring on darkness, quiet, and a nosy scooter zooming by and it’s a whole other different story.  They are actually quite menacing – barking and gnashing and chasing you along on the scooter.  Rabies is rife here – our landlord was bitten himself a few weeks ago and is in the process of having rabies jabs!  We are steering clear of ANYTHING with the potential to bite!!!!  And we've decided that's anything with a mouth!!!

Monday afternoon was spent on our little private beach.  It was deserted when we arrived, no tourists just a few local fishermen and beachcombers.  Dan has purchased himself a fishing rod and has come over all hunter-gatherer and is determined to bring home the bacon (well squid or fish anyway) to be cooked by our landlady, Yar!  Despite several hours yesterday, chest-deep with some local fishermen, we (the Royal We of course) have come away empty handed.  We even hired out a canoe-type contraption for a couple of quid that meant we could go out deeper over the reef, but no luck – not even a nibble on the rod!  Even the local fishermen, who we watched all afternoon, had only caught a couple of small squid themselves.  I watched most this from the comfort of a hammock made out of banana reeds, strung between two coconut palms!

Tomorrow is another day and determined Dan is going to give it another go.  However, after researching what’s in the sea on the internet last night, he will be casting his line from the edge of the beach and not chest deep.  Several varieties of poisonous sea-snake have put the dampners on that little venture so don’t go worrying that the filming of  The Deadliest Catch will be in anyway compromised!!!!

Take care M&D x

PS  Dan’s managed to get  himself an unexpected body marking – A nice scooter exhaust burn – we’ve lovingly named it “The Samui Tattoo”!!!!

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