Thursday, 29 September 2011

Scooter Heaven....

Dan is made up!  He's got his scooter on the road at last.  A big Londoner called John, who lives at the bottom of our road tipped up with a wee 125 scooter for us for the month.  I was very nervous having not ridden shotgun before - no likelihood of me being the driver I fear!  Off we went, flip-flops, t-shirts, shorts, sorry, what was that about helmets and insurance!  I was clinging on for dear life but relaxed after five minutes or so when I realised than Dan really was a careful driver.  We pootled off down the main road and stopped to get some gas.  Its quite unbelievable.  They sell the petrol off the roadside in glass whiskey bottles.  Honestly talk about health and safety.  It would made petrol bomb heaven if you were that way inclined.  You just stop off, get a couple of bottles tipped into the tank, leave the money (about 20p a bottle which is about a litre) and off you go.  We found ourselves down tiny little tracks that eventually led to a gorgeous secluded beach and had a wander about for a little while, Dan cautiously looked for the Cobras he'd found out were inhabitant on Ko Samui.  Why he needs to know this is beyond me, I'm happy enough to wander about in ignorant bliss on this matter!  We then headed off down to Lamai, which is the nearest town to us, about 25 mins and 10 kms on the scooter.  It was brilliant fun - being on the back with the wind in your hair, sun on your skin and not a care about helmets or anything.  What a way to get about - so relaxed.  We managed to find the main area in Lamai which Colin took us to the previous night and stopped off for some lunch in a very modern bar/restaurant called Bondi!  Needless to say we didn't eat Thai style here - we opted for a salad and a burger and a pint!  We decided that we'd head back after about an hour and promptly got lost on the way back.  As it happened, chance in a bloody million, whilst we were driving on a main road, we heard a "toot toot" and it was Colin, our landlord, heading in the opposite direction.  We both stopped and he asked us where were we going and we said we thought we were lost.  He very kindly pointed us in the right direction homeward bound.  What were the chances of that happening!  We ended up back at our villa and Colin took us off for a walk at our beach just 10 mins away.  The beach was practically deserted apart from a tiny wee bar with a couple of German punters there.  There was a girl behind the bar but apparently if there is no-one in attendance, you just grab what you want and leave her a note and pay the next time you're there!  Talk about trust!  We sat there for a beer or two while the rain went off and then headed back to the villa.  Our intention was to go to a little restaurant at the end of our road for dinner but by about 9pm we were so tired, think the 12 hour travel trip the previous day had caught up, so we opted for pringles and a beer at home and a programme on how the Burg Tower was built in Dubai - Very rock and roll.  An early night beckoned!

Friday morning..... Dan's just gone off to Makro with Colin to get some more substantial supplies for the week and when he returns we intend to spend the rest of the day on the beach as the sky is blue and the sun is shining today.  Off to an Italian BBQ on the beach tonight with our host and some of his friends and looking forward to meeting some more of the locals.  Take care M&D x

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